John Ostrander
Last updated 03.06.11 11:40 AM CST U.S.

Curriculum Vitae


< >

you can email me at:

john (dot) ostrander (at) gmail (dot) com



It is now


24 December, 2014

I am not a diligent web designer, but, I wanted to add something.  I have scoured the internet for these, and here you go!   Most of the practice ACT tests (free from the publisher, but only during that testing year) from 2003 to now.

3 January 2011

Please enjoy my video of the December 2010 Lunar Eclipse(<--click the link).  ~John

1 January 2010

Well, it's been a really long time since I have posted on here, nearly five years! Since my most memorable bicycle journey many things have happened. Now, I realize nobody reads my page (Myspace and facebook have eclipsed the personal webpage for the popular web surfer, myself included)

Anyway, there were many life changes, and I thought I would give this another go since facebook and myspace simply take way from individual creativity, and for one more time I can post evidence that most people are not as computer savvy as they make themselves out to be.

12 October 2004,

I completed my first 24 hour bicycle ride, but due to dehydration from an illness, I was not in my best shape.  I am currently composing a recap of the event.  Also had  a telephone interview for a job in Bend, Oregon, but as well as it went, it ended with "you have a very impressive resume, but...." sort of a typical response I've noticed.   Can't blame a person for trying to let you down easily.

26 September,

I had planned on riding the 2004 Tulsa century as a warm up the the Tejas time trials, but I found that some stomach bug that's been around finally got me.  I was reminded of the TV commercials for Immodium.

5 September,

I updated my research page.  Also, I want this bike.  And sponsors, so I can get free stuff and do my training for this coming race season.

31 August 2004,

       My future as a webmaster is looking bleak, having been more than one year and at least one site migration since my last addition.
       Latest news is that I have two more publications for work, and I also have some photos that I plan on posting soon.  I completed my very first bicycle ultramarathon, the "to hell and back 400", a 420 mile ride from Oklahoma City to Wichita Falls, to the Hotter 'n' Hell 100 and back.   This opens more doors for me since I greatly enjoyed it, there are more where this came from.  I have now completed the two "toughest rides in Oklahoma".   It's time to move on.

14 June 2003,

          Aside from being the 12th anniversary of my high school graduation, I can't think of anything to add at this time.  Since this site was not designed to attract large masses of spectators to be entertained or informed, I've not been diligent of my upkeep.
          Some things have been changed, the D.O.S. attack on my school server has been abated, but the cure was a change in IP address so some of the links to the right have changed, and on some of the sub folders in this site with links may not be correct.

26 Jan 2003,

          I'm currently working on a mail form for those that want to correspond via secure email.  I've uncovered some perl script that in conjunction with my PGP public key will allow you to fill out a form and it will be sent to me, even if you do not have email.  I'm not a programmer, and it's taking time to debug the scripts, as well as setup the cgi-bin for practical use.  Once finished, you may submit a mail by filling out an online form with 4096 bit encryption that only I can read. Excessive, I know, but more an exercise in programming than paranoia.  For more info about PGP and encrption, see the network associates website and you may also download PGP for free.

11 January 2003,
          I have been working for some time on web development to find that I don't really have a great deal of enthusiasm for the task of designing, publishing or authoring webpages. On the flipside, this is a crucial part of today's world, and can open many doors, professionally and personally to one who has a "really neat site".

          I am not looking for a job in webdesign, rather I'm working as a research associate at Oklahoma State University under Dr. Kotov studying nanomaterials and performing research in a few different areas in collaboration with local companies like Nomadics, Sciperio, as well as NBMI.

I am currently looking for work, will you hire me?


While this page is still under construction, expect a research statement and other personalized info sometime soon (my prototype research page is here, but it may not always be working). I have awebsite here that I run from my work computer, running Xitami http server. The software/hardware is not as stable as a proper webserver, so do not be surprised if it is not up and running. It does allow for me immediate access to my domain, as well as unlimited file space for photos to share with family / friends/ colleagues.
I presently prefer as they offer FTP service, as well as many features no longer offered byYahoo geocities or various others.  The domain seems stable, usable, and contains options not available anywhere else, like support for cgi-bin (upcoming: my notes on web design, and  some of my tentative plans.  I am somewhat interested in web authoring, but only that: somewhat!)